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Dec, 2018

Little League Softball

Fort Lauderdale Little League Baseball and Softball (FTLLL) is a growing and successful league with an average 500-800 players in the fall or spring seasons. Over the past few years we have become a contender in our district and continually grow our divisions. Our divisions serve players from the age of 4 through the age of 16. We have a great community of parents and knowledgeable volunteer coaches.

Fall (Sept-Nov) is our learning season and spring (Dec-Apr) is our competitive season. Though both seasons are competitive, spring has playoffs, awards trophies, season end party, etc..

We offer Tee-Ball, Coach Pitch 8u, 10u, 12u/14u. For information about each of the divisions, please visit our Softball program information page by clicking  below  or visit our programs page under the "Registation" navigation item in the navigation menu.