Fort Lauderdale Little League and Softball is an extension of Little League®. All rules and coaching expectations are derived from the national Little League organization. There is a vast amount of information to help you begin and improve your coaching.
You as a coach are here to help foster a healthy sense of competition, to teach aspiring athletes the game of Baseball / Softball and above all be a positive force in these children's lives. Baseball / Softball takes time to acquire the necessary skills, and the children you teach are just learning. Being positive, patient and a good leader is what these children need to grow.
- I will engage, teach and provide enjoyment to young players through participation in organized baseball and/or softball. Each player will be treated fairly, and his or her welfare will be uppermost at all times.
- I will to the best of my ability teach the love of sport and the game of Baseball / Softball. I understand that through my team and myself, I am teaching the joy of Baseball / Softball which encourages skill growth and fosters the love of sport.
- I acknowledge that I have tremendous influence on the mental and physical growth of the player and, thus, will never place the value of winning above the value of good sportsmanship and character. Fort Lauderdale Little League absolutely encourages the spirit of competition, we absolutely DO NOT encourage win-at-all-costs to the detriment of the spirit of the game or the de-valuement of players / officials / competing teams.
- I recognize that my conduct reflects on the entire Fort Lauderdale Little League organization and will not act in a manner that jeopardizes the league or its relationship with players, families, or community partners.
- I will refrain from the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products when in contact with players.
- I will promote the entire Little League program and manage/coach my team in harmony with the mission and goals of Fort Lauderdale Little League.
- I will, to the best of my ability, learn and understand the rules of Little League baseball/softball and teach them to my players. I will not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules.
- I will organize practices that are enjoyable and challenging for the players. I will familiarize myself with the techniques and strategies of baseball/softball; I will encourage all of my players to be team players.
- I will respect and support umpires. I will not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the umpires and understand that public criticism of umpires, Little League officials or players will not be tolerated.
- Before and after games, I will engage the coaches of the competing team and exchange cordial greetings to set the correct tone for the event.
- I will maintain an open line of communication with parents and players and explain the goals and objectives of Little League.
- I will promote goods sportsmanship in both winning and/or losing, promote and encourage players to show respect for others, to act and play with integrity, and take personal responsibility for their words and actions.
- I will be generous with my praise when it is deserved; I will be consistent, honest, fair and ethical; I will not berate players publicly or shame them.
- I will ensure that all players regardless of skill or ability are allotted at a minimum the guaranteed play time as required by Little League International.
- I understand that there will be zero tolerance for coaches who intimidate, physically or verbally abuse players, officials, or participants at any Little League event. Further, I understand that myself and any other coach or assistant coach on my team guilty of improper conduct at any Little League event may be asked to leave the field of facility, and may be suspended or dismissed by the Board (in accordance with the rules and regulations as set forth by Little League International).